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Problems after exporting in FCPX

Ok so im exporting my film in 10 min sections to send off to my composer and something i have noticed is after its all said and done i watch it to make sure everything is ok and its not. I've done this twice after its exported into the .mov file there is always one scene missing. whether it be a 2 second shot or a whole minute long. The audio is still their but the picture is gone.

Has anyone had this issue before? I've never ran into it until now, could it be because the file is so long? I've never exported a 10 min scene before.
I dont know FCP, howsoever I have had similar issues with Adobe Premiere and found that clearing the disk cache from inside the application fixes it. Other times, I had "linked" after effects projects in the PPRO timeline that for some reason stopped working.

maybe that will give you a hint?