Probably the most common question... how do I get it 'out there'

Hypothetical situation

The day has come and my screenplay is completed, there is nothing else that I can add to it. I hope that it will be produced eventually.

My burning question is:

How do I get it noticed, how do I get it into circulation, where do I send it?!?! All these questions constantly keep my awake... for a bit.

I don't live near London and have no contact with the industry. No emails, no names, nothing. Not because I'm lazy, far from it, I just don't know where to begin or where to look.

I am aware of the statistics of unproduced screenplays but if I don't send it off in the first place what's the point in trying?
Send it out for industry coverage from someone you trust. I use a guy in NY whose notes are amazing.


Submit to the major contests.

Write a query letter. Send to agents.

Wait a long time.

Keep writing.
How do I get it noticed, how do I get it into circulation

You really want to get it made?

While this is usually a producers job, but attach the required marketing elements, get the project funded by sourcing finance for it. Once these are in place, people will come to you ;)
The best way "to get it out there" is to learn to direct and produce so that you can write to direct and produce.

Otherwise, you're looking to peddle your spec screenplay to those <10% director/producers with hundreds of thousands and millions of fianancing available to them with no ideas of their own. (Sigh... )
That puts your single screenplay in direct competition with 100,000 new screenplays each year, obviously that number increases as the years go by.

Anyone wanna take a wild guess as to the number of spec screenplays floating about at any given moment of time?
Easy half-million? More?
Lots of good advice above.

The premier screenplay contest to win (or place well in) is run by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, yep the Academy Awards folks.

It's called the Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting. Opens late January/early Feb. Closes May 1st or so.

The Austin Film Festival also run a highly regarded screenplay contest for non-pros.

Austin Film Festival

Nicholl Fellowship!

For some more info:

Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting

And ten articles on tips for the Nicholl...

How to Win a Nicholl Fellowship
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