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power of sound

Made a short video for my 48hour film project facebook event video (watch here if u d like to ) using a very very crappy 30 dollar camera.

Incamera mic was just amazingly sh*tty (surprise), so i recorded audio separately on my h4n. after playing videos back to back i was speechless.. such an amazing difference in the quality of this video!

without h4n sound, video just was unbearable to watch, but with correct sound - i love it haha

Anyways, just wanted to share my experience on how important sound really is. :blush:
awesome! thanks steve! I'll keep you updated.

48hfp in Seattle starts on 24th. I'll probably be posting here like crazy, asking for advises haha

My biggest concern is actually music for the movie..
Here in Pittsburgh it seems like most people are using library music, or bands who had pre-recorded songs for 48hour films. Last year it seemed like I was one of the few composers who actually did it on the weekend (composing from the script).

Anyway, I'm sure you can pick up an enthusiastic composer from a film school (check billboards for flyers). If you don't mind someone remote, I'm sure someone on here would be on your team! I would, but 48 here is on July 8th this year...a little too close to do TWO!
I worked for a while in TV sound. One of the things I was forever trying to tell people was that the quality of the audio is at least as important as the quality of the picture. People will often put up with crappy picture for longer than they will with crappy audio. Getting it "right" at the source is very important. It's extremely hard to be one person concentrating on recording both picture and audio at the same time. One of them usually suffers....mostly the audio. So, use good mics, a good recording device and if at all possible a separate boom operator/sound recordist.