*potentially offensive* How does this picture make you feel?


This picture kind of pisses me off! :angry:

But with every glance we take at our history there is a lesson to be learned.
Moved to Viewfinder.

This pic makes me feel potentially offensed.

Seriously, We learn from the past, but we can not be to quick to judge what we consider to be stupidity of sins of the past because one day not too long from now we will be from the past.

As will our crazy haired scientist friend with the Delorean.

If I'm honest the photo doesn't bother me. There is nothing I can do about history, apart from to learn from it. The real issues are about the things we accept now that perhaps we shouldn't.
clive said:
If I'm honest the photo doesn't bother me. There is nothing I can do about history, apart from to learn from it. The real issues are about the things we accept now that perhaps we shouldn't.

I feel the same way.

It was a different world then, with different beliefs. Vaudeville and Blackface were extremely popular in the beginning of the century. Try going farther and farther back in time, you might be suprised at how social stature and/or racial origin based treatment gets worse and worse throughout the world. No culture or society has ever existed without a social class structure at some point, and while it is unfortunate I'm not going to slit my wrists for the sins of the past.

That doesn't make it acceptable now, in fact it would be quite politically incorrect and lombasted, although apparently White Chicks, which is whiteface, is OK to produce - But they did receive a lot of flak for it.
I'm sorry, what is the point again? You're trying to educate people that racism is wrong? Or that racism existed then and exists now... or?
I doubt they were mocking Blacks out of cruelity but more perhaps in ignorance. Its our history. Dont erase it. People are way to politically correct and play the race card to much.
Poke said:
This begs the question, "If we dwell on the sins of our past, are we keeping the sin alive?"

:rolleyes: No, more like if you remind people of humanity's mistakes, we won't repeat those same mistakes in the future, and everyone will better appreciate progress when it is made. It's not that hard to understand why I wanted to post this. I explained it in the first post of this thread.
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I am a very anti-racism person. Every time I hear someone say something racist it infuriates the sh*t out of me (if I think they are serious).

...but for some reason I'm not offended by this. I'm sure those performers were racist, as were their audience, but for some reason I don't find the photo itself to be offensive. I just don't have a grasp of how people thought back then I guess...but if a similar picture was taken today it would just be a really shocking joke. Maybe it's too absurd for me to find offensive. I don't think those guys were being hateful...just some dumb humor...