Possible new support for Indie filmmakers


Business Member
Hi all,
I am one of the reviewers for IndieTalk.com and one of the directors of a film that I reviewed recently has gotten in touch with me regarding a new program that she is trying to find funding for as a way of nurturing new indie talent. Cindy Baer, the director of the film "Purgatory House", and her husband, Matthew Irving (DP on "Waitress", "Waiting", "Monster Man", and "Groove" among others) are decent people with strong ties to independent filmmaking. Cindy asked if I would post the following notice on our site, I got permission from the moderators and I hope that, if you find it interesting, you will take action.

Attention IndieTalk Filmmakers,

I was writing for a very special reason:

Our friend filmmaker Cindy Baer in the process of creating a revolutionary, non-profit company called "Patron of the Arts" (POTA for short), and her mission is to help filmmakers fund their independent films! (Finally!) You can read all about this free program at the link below.

She and her business partner Jenn Mahoney have made it to the FINAL ROUND of a competition to win a $20,000 start-up grant to create this company! To win, they simply need the most votes before Monday night, June 30th at 9pm. They were in FIRST place, but have fallen to second! They just need a handful more votes to pull ahead again. Will you please help by voting immediately? Voting is fast, fun, free and easy!! A win for POTA is a win for the entire filmmaking community!

1. VOTE ASAP: It only takes a minute! (really!) Just follow this link, and click the green "vote" button. If you are not registered, it will ask you to register. Then you will immediately receive an email with a link to "click" to verify that you are a real person. Just click the link below one more time, and vote for Patron of the Arts: Save the Arts -Sponsor a Filmmaker Program by using the green "vote" button! (Each person is allowed one vote).

Here's the link: http://ideablob.com/ideas/2412-Patron-of-the-Arts-Sponsor-a-F

2. SPREAD THE WORD: We need all the support we can get to win. Please forward this email to everyone you know; all the artists and filmmakers in your life: actors, writers, producers, painters, musicians... and your friends & family... anyone you think might vote for our film funding company!
3. CONNECT WITH US: Drop an email to let us know you voted so we can invite you to the celebration if we win! And if you are a filmmaker or artist who may be interested in participating in our film financing program, we hope we can help you too! Please send an email to filmmakers@PatronOfTheArts.org. POTA hopes to launch in 2-3 months, and will accepting filmmakers who need funding to participate in this free program!
Thanks for all your support!
See you in the movies....

Cindy & Jenn Co-Founders,Patron of The ArtsSponsor a Filmmaker ProgramCindy@PatronOfTheArts.org