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Port Shorts Film Festival - Australia

Greetings from Down Under :) - Have your film shown in Australia!!!

Port Shorts Film Festival - Port Douglas - Tropical North Queensland - Australia
Now in it's fourth huge year!!!

Port Shorts Fillm Festival encompasses Super 8mm, Animation, Digital... whatever goes!! Some love old school, others want to dapple with technologies latest. This event offers it all.

All we ask is that your film is 3 minutes long & must include the "item" which this year is "FISH" – somewhere along the way.

Your short film can be made on any topic or subject matter – comedy, drama, action - it’s your choice. It may be fictional or non-fictional. But please no porn or poor taste films....

A panel of judges will choose the "Best Super 8 Film" and "Best Digital Film" & "Best Animation" the audience will play the role of critic to select the "Peoples Choice Award" with some great prizes being awarded to these films.

Your film can be created on any platform you like ...

All we ask is that you supply us a finished film on PAL MiniDv format by October 10th 2005.

For more information visit the website at http://www.portshorts.com
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'sup, good Portshots! :cool:

I gathered from your site that you take entries from overseas, begging a question.

1) Does a submitted mini-DV tape have to be in PAL format?

(Well, also what is AUD$30 in USD but I can look that up)

Nice to see a festival that puts a premium on the Super-8 format, btw. :)
Hey Zensteve,

Thanks for the q's ... This this is our first year to expand the event and we are inviting entries from across the globe... .. originally we started out purely with Super8 and then decided to open the spectrum to all formats ..

We are open to having a preview tape or DVD sent to us first in NTSC format if suits, then if accepted, final submissions must be on PAL MiniDV format.

Today on xe.com the exchange rate is AUD$30 ------>USD$23.00, I guess this fluctuates a little but you can send a money order in AUD when submitting films.

We are really excited to have Kodak on board as a sponsor this year & our festival is growing from strength to strength. It's a great place to showcase your films & Port Douglas ROCKS!!

Thanks again!!

Sammi J
submissions extended to October 20th

Hi all :)

Just a note to let you know we've extended the Port Shorts Film Festival deadline for submitting films to October 20th!
So if you're umming & ahhing as to whether your film will arrive on time.. it still can!!
And you also have another full week to put your finishing touches on your masterpiece ..

We've already recieved a Super8 entry via this messageboard .. so thanks ! & woohooo!!

Visit the website at http://www.portshorts.com for all the info ..

Have a great day :)
