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Popcorn Mafia podcast - reviews of "Taken" and "Coraline"

Hi, Guys -

Been a while since I've posted - currently in pre-production for a short film I'm directing for a writer/producer, and then acting in another project, both of which happen in April.

I was asked to take part in a podcast movie review show this past weekend, and the show is up on the Popcorn Mafia website - www.popcornmafia.com

You can stream it, or download it as a podcast, from what I understand. I don't understand the pod technology, and having taken part in one of these makes me feel the pod people are wining.

There are spoilers and some swearing, so if either offend you, don't listen.

Take Care!
Thanks for moving this to the proper forum - didn't scroll all the way down to see "Promotion"...:D

"But I'm a lazy, lazy man, Roger."