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I wanted to exaggerate the hike, build up anticipation for the punchline...get you thinking, "what is going on? why am I watching this guy hike this rim? Is something going to happen?" Get the viewer inside his/her head, so the joke has a better effect. It is possible I stayed too long on that shot, and maybe I could cut it down, I don't know...

But thanks for the reply, glad you enjoyed it.

Funny setup, funny gag... I think both halves could have been shorter, though. :)

I never saw that gag coming, btw. Nice execution. Just needed to be a bit more concise.

I thought the opening static shot was great. I was getting ready for a serious drama, but then the punchline really paid off! I do however think the joke was bit too long (what did that dude drink???), but it didn't take away from the initial feeling of funniness.

Zensteve said:
Funny setup, funny gag... I think both halves could have been shorter, though. :)

I never saw that gag coming, btw. Nice execution. Just needed to be a bit more concise.


I think that was part of the humor... him pissing for 90 seconds off of a mile high cliff.

Ooopss.. did I give it away?

My bad. :P
I think watching this for a third time just made it funnier.

My friend had to wipe a tear from his eye.. big buildup then

anyways, funnys hit. I wish it could go farther.. Maybe someone at the bottom of the canyon. ;)
King Goldfish....
Glad to hear someone likes the film as much as me. I've watched it a hundred times and I still think the thing is pretty brother drank tons of water, and it came out in three installments...which I think made it more funny. It's 100% real...
Thanks for the feedback