archived-videos Please watch and comment my movie "The Binkeeper" (62MB download)

Oh, and by the way, just so you know - the accents are profusely faked. We are in fact able to speak. We are not having embolisms. Thank you.
It certainly is... different.

First off, it is definitely funny. It's not your regular comedy; almost reminiscent of the Monty Python tv show at times with the bizarre situations. I think some people may not get that type of humour at all and will think I'm on crack for liking it... c'est la vie. :lol:

Aside from that it has a lot of problems, though. I'm sure you already know what most of them are so I won't list them all off. But practice makes perfect, and we all learn the best lessons from actually doing projects. Time to work on a new film and make an even better one, with experience gained from the last.


Btw, the mannerisms of Adol Fitler were hilarious... the way he stood, and holding his teeny 'stache.
Zensteve said:
First off, it is definitely funny. It's not your regular comedy; almost reminiscent of the Monty Python tv show at times with the bizarre situations. I think some people may not get that type of humour at all and will think I'm on crack for liking it... c'est la vie. :lol:

Thanks a lot. That was the vibe I was going for, and the performances, to their credit, really brought it out.

Aside from that it has a lot of problems, though. I'm sure you already know what most of them are so I won't list them all off. But practice makes perfect, and we all learn the best lessons from actually doing projects. Time to work on a new film and make an even better one, with experience gained from the last.

I know there are a lot, but it's easier for me to see the purely technical problems than the problems with the narrative drive, acting, directing, shooting, editing etc - the creative parts. Any advice on these aspects would be appreciated :) But be gentle - this is my first film.