please mods...

Can we please get a new political debate thread...I did not feel it was going down at all...we remained civil...

and i wrote up a huge reply and right when i clicked reply bam, thread locked...wasted several minutes of my life!

if not...then i'll just have to artistically express myself through film...

(im not gonna post the reply here because although i never read faqs/rules, im sure it breaks a rule or something)
what about political films!

fine, ill stick to debating(read:owning) my liberal friends...but when i get this script done you liberals be ready for some film o matic rape(figuratively, none videogamers might not get that one)
Here is why I decided to lock the thread:

The "debate" was going downhill. It was about to get to the point where insults get thrown around in every post. While citizens of this country have a right and a duty to keep up with the political climate, we also have a duty to know when to discuss said political climate.

I am a conservative. I work with many liberals (in fact I know of only one other conservative amongst my 30 odd coworkers). I have many liberal friends. From time to time I discuss politics with coworkers and friends, but I try to refrain from getting into the type of debate the "Michael Moore Hates America" thread was heading towards. The same should apply here. If we discuss political matters in any future thread, we should all try to keep the comments diplomatic and responsible. There were posts in that thread that were neither.

Now, I hope that clears any anger up. I will leave this thread open for any comments.

i dont think anyone was angry though.

But leave all that behind, even delete if you'd like, Lets just stick to film :)
rizien said:
... even delete if you'd like ...

I won't delete it, but I think it should remain closed. And just for good measure, I am not discouraging political talk at all. As I said, it is our duty to discuss our political leaders and policies, I just want to make sure that any political discussion here remains civilized. As mod, I felt that the thread in question was headed away from civilization. :redgrin:
