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campaign Please help!

Hey everybody! If you are kind enough to support my short film that I’m shooting this summer, please feel free to donate on my gofoundme page!

I am in lack of resource regarding money, and every single donation would be much appreciated! Even if you can’t donate, sharing with a few friends and relatives would be life changing for me and my crew! Thank you everyone.

Levente Kovach
I see you joined this forum just to post your crowdfunding campaign for your Batman fan-film. Bad show, old chap! I suggest that this will not be as effective a tactic as you hope. This is the wrong forum for this sort of thing. We are not your audience; we are your colleagues, and in some cases your competitors. We're all in the same boat as you, trying to make movies with insufficient time and resources; if we have resources, we will spend them on our own movies rather than yours. Just because we share an interest in making movies doesn't necessarily mean that we're interested in your particular project. (Seriously, dude: yet another Batman fan-film set in the wannabe's home town and with their own Mary Sue in it? You'd have to pay me to watch that.)

A more effective tactic is to post your plea where your audience hangs out. Ask yourself: Who is your movie for? (Hint: The answer is never, "Everyone!" No movie has ever appealed to everyone. Who is your movie for?) Ask yourself: Where do these people hang out? (Hint: You're making a fan-film; where do you hang out with your fellow geeks?) How can you reach them? (Hint: If you want people to give you money, tell them what's in it for them and talk a bit less about yourself. You're passionate? We're all passionate! That's the least we can expect from you. We assume you're passionate; what we need to see your prove is that you're competent. Make us believe you can pull off this project. So far you haven't.)

Your campaign as posted makes most of the usual mistakes, I'm afraid. You received zero donations in your campaign's first day; that is both a bad sign (clearly you have no audience waiting for your movie) and bad optics (not even your own mother believes in this project). You clearly did no research into crowdfunding. I recommend the numerous articles at "Seed & Spark" as very good starting places for crafting a more effective campaign.

One rule of thumb: Crowdfunding donations do not come from strangers. They come from your extended network: the people you know, and the people they know. Get your family, your friends, your cast, and your crew to promote your campaign to their contact list. (And don't resent them if they don't. You are asking them to ask their friends to give you money, and not everyone is comfortable doing that.)

Best of luck with your future ventures!
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Hey everybody! If you are kind enough to support my short film that I’m shooting this summer, please feel free to donate on my gofoundme page!

I am in lack of resource regarding money, and every single donation would be much appreciated! Even if you can’t donate, sharing with a few friends and relatives would be life changing for me and my crew! Thank you everyone.

Levente Kovach
Try looking up investors in your area and create a presentation, while gathering and assembling your film crew.