Please Help a young fellow Director !

Hello guys, first off i'd like to introduce myself.

My name is Alex and i'm 18 years old from the U.S. I'm currently in senior year of high school, and hoping to attend a film school next year in college. I really would love love LOVE to attend Full Sail University, unfortunately I dont believe my parents are willing to shell out the money for it, and I could never afford it on my own, so i'll probably end up attending the University of Central Florida and taking their film program. To see some of my current work, you can check out my youtube channel at

These are some of my better known works..

Okay, that's enough for an introduction, now on to what I really need.
Unfortunately, being young, I don't have the funding I would hope to have, and going off to film school I really need some funding. So I come here asking for just a simple favor. In order to earn myself some funding, I have entered into a competition to possibly win some money. At the current moment, I am in second place, and losing by 85 or so votes :( so I come asking, begging, pleading, for your help with this. All you need to do is click the link, and then click the red vote button, that's it !!!

Here's the link:

Hopefully you will find it within yourselves to take 20 seconds out and help a fellow film student. I hope to hear your thoughts of my videos, and that hopefully you'll help me out with this competition.

Thanks so much,
- Alex
Thanks so much everyone :) I really look forward to a possible win, and if I win I look forward to working and talking further with some of you about the film industry (since I will finally posses some of the better equipment)
Good luck, Alex!

I see you're a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Name dropper that I am I'll tell you my LA manager's significant other is a producer at Nickelodeon and was one of the original creators of that show. She showed me the pilot episode before it was even completed, when it was still hand-sketched key drawings. They were all pretty upset when M Night Shyamalan optioned the property to make into a feature, but then couldn't keep the title because James Cameron was already using it.
Good luck, Alex!

I see you're a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Name dropper that I am I'll tell you my LA manager's significant other is a producer at Nickelodeon and was one of the original creators of that show. She showed me the pilot episode before it was even completed, when it was still hand-sketched key drawings. They were all pretty upset when M Night Shyamalan optioned the property to make into a feature, but then couldn't keep the title because James Cameron was already using it.

Yes I am :)

I'm a super huge fan, and i'm actually protesting James Cameron for that reason. I just feel like he's not a nice guy for what he's been doing. And now there's word he plagiarized doesnt make me any happier or want to support him.

But thanks so much for the vote ! Please spread the word in any way that you can !
I voted for ya!
That prize would help anyone.
Where in Florida are you by the way? (PM me instead if you'd like. I might live nearby)