playback saturation

Recently completed a 24 min short.D7000 1080 24fps.Here's the problem:
I have the edit,color correction and color grading done.Playback saturation and contrast from the timeline look great on Macbook Pro and Vimeo.
I use the Macbook as a still photographer so my calibration is very close to my lab.
I hooked up to my new Vizio 1080 and the saturation and contrast are heavy.I also burned a DVD and ran it on a friend's 50 the same problem.How do I setup my film for viewing if these other TV's are that far off?
Could it be the compression?
I was playin with different codecs on premiere. All of them do something weird with the colors.. You should create a new sequence with your video and adjust the colors accordingly to the compression methods.

I just pick a single frame, and export it into a temporary folder. From there I take a look what needs to be tweaked

It's a bit tedious but works for me..