Places to send...

What are good websites to send movies to for review? We at Mad Angel Films would like to start sending our films out. I know that there are speciality websites but we do all types so any and all addys would really help.

What are some good websites that will help you find diff types of film fest in your area?

Are there any websites that help you find movie reviewers? Yes I know there's a dude on here that does it for the website and he will be getting some of our movies, if he wants to review them that is.

Finally and good websites that have a list of distorbuters?

For the 1st time my movie company is really trying to get things done you know. If this is in the wrong area, I'm sorry. Was debuting this area or newbies.
I've combined your similar posts, and added to my answer.
Ok, I'll be more careful next time. Thanks for not just getting rid of the post. I will deff check out when you have linked to. Thanks again.