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Pilot- ?

Hello, For the last few months me and my friend have been writing this awsome sitcom. Its about a group of people and there lives. I just wanted to know if anybody has any info on how I could go about showing the world my script. Its really fresh and different... what should I do now- contact agents- send it to directors- ring celebs. just kidding I dont know any celebs

any help will be usefull thanks
...and be prepared to have it returned, unread, still in the sealed envelope.

Sitcoms are packaged goods -- it's the 'that guy from seinfeld" show, etc.

Look at the book, but do the footwork.
Those are all good tips. You need to do lots and lots of research. Also, I've interned at production companies and they have said that it's great to put your script in a contest. They receive a list of the people who placed in the contests.
Just make sure...

Hello, For the last few months me and my friend have been writing this awsome sitcom. Its about a group of people and there lives. I just wanted to know if anybody has any info on how I could go about showing the world my script. Its really fresh and different... what should I do now- contact agents- send it to directors- ring celebs. just kidding I dont know any celebs

any help will be usefull thanks

that you've followed the guidelines for television writing... Unfortunately, not many places will be interested in only one script... You're going to need at least 5 or 6 so that a producer can get the flavor of the CONTINUING saga of the show.

From there, you'll have to start pitching it... If you have absolutely no contacts, the best way I know is to subscribe to the Hollywood Creative Directory Online and start querying production companies as well as production/management companies that work in television...

Start querying them... Perform your due diligence. Don't send your sitcom to somebody that doesn't produce similar type sitcoms.

At the same time, you can start querying managers as they are usually easier to obtain representation from than agents and a good manager will get you an agent or at least meetings with agents.
