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watch Pig Me - 2D animated shortfilm

Well, I have to say, the narrative and animation is expertly executed. I had already figured there would be one of two possible resolutions of the narrative. For me, without disclosing the spoiler, I *feel* (remember it's just my opinion) you cheapened the piece for a punchline. The piece would have worked more classically and timeless, albeit a bit nostalgic, if you had chosen the other resolution. But then, I'm sentimental like that. Good work overall and thanks for posting!
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Excellent! Wow, you have some mad skillz :cool:

Honestly if you told me this was drawn by Disney, I would have believed it. It's really cute, I really like the sequence of all the different costumes. So fun.

The ending may have been predictable, but it was really satisfying none-the-less.

So how do you guys animate? Is is entirely drawn, entirely on the computer, or a mixture? I take it you'll be submitting this to a few festivals?
Awesome! I loved your art in general, and I really loved the set design... particularly the moment with the fountain. LOL! I think that the ending is nice in that in evokes strong reactions.... In terms of personal taste I agree with bird, but then I'm also sentimental :)

Great work!
Thank you for the nice comments :)

There is no computer animation (3D) in the movie it is all done in 2D. We made the animation in a program called tv-paint where you have to draw on a tablet. The program works like a piece of paper but you dont have to scan the drawings witch take a long time (and is really borring) :)
The Backgrounds are all drawn on paper and colored in Photoshop.
Compositing was done in Aftereffects.

The movie was actually done 1 1/2 year ago and have already been to a lot of festivals... so thats just super cool :)
I'm an animation fan, and I enjoyed it :) Well done. Traditional animation is getting so pushed aside for slick CGI, it's nice to see something like this.

Nice colours and loved the animal/owner combinations :)