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watch Percy Frazier (Web Series)

So, back in early 2000 (2002 I think) a group of friends and I made a short film called "Mysteries of the Beyond". The short was about this sweaty, paranoid conspiracy theorist named Percy Frazier who had a cable access show. He would always spout off these ridiculous claims about aliens, draculas and bigfoots. That basically sums up the short that we did.

You can see the original terrible short below.


Yeah, it's pretty terrible. So, moving on...

I've always wanted to take this character and develop him more and into something bigger. So I decided that a web series would be the perfect medium to do so.

So, for the past couple of months, I have been working on episodes and developing the project more and more.

It's going to be a while before I have any episodes finished, but I have some teaser posters to get a sense of the direction I'm going in.

Thought I would post them for all to see...

Hope you enjoy!

Poster 1 is the Dracula Edition Poster.
Poster 2 is the Bigfoot Edition Poster.
Poster 3 is the Aliens Edition Poster.



That's great! The tagline is fantastic, and the Bigfoot one made me laugh! Can't wait to see more!
That short was hilarious! It did a great job of pretending to be a terrible conspiracy show!

The only thing I've got to say at the moment is that posters 1 and 3 are fantastic, but poster 2 is very... poorly done in comparison.

Can't wait to see how this goes :)
Haha! This guy is great. Nice combination of Chris Farley meets Garth Marenghi's Dark Place. The Bigfoot poster is a riot. I say bring on the series, Opus. Looks fun!
Thanks for the kind words.

This is something that will just take a little bit of time to do since I'm the lone person behind everything.

Will definitely keep everyone posted when things start to come to completion!