Per Jury

Per Jury (An Indie Movie done in one take)

My good friend, writer freddie Anderson, has recently shot his first film. Judging from the website and the stills, this movie looks like it will be badass. It needs practically no editing, because the entire movie was shot in one take. You read right. ONE TAKE

Just check out the website. I'll give y'all more info as it developes. The movie is currently in post.
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Antonio Fargas......? (I love Huggy Bear!) One take? Any stopping/starting techniques (a la Hitchcock's Rope)? or one continuous take?
I actually wasn't at the shoot. I'm pretty sure it was one continuous shot, though. He told me there would be no editing, just color correction and stuff. Pretty amazing if you ask me.
A 90 minute single shot?! :eek:

Have to be extremely confident in the ability of the actors and strength of the script alone for that.

I want to see a trailer or two for this. :cool:
Freddie and his co-producer are working on all that. He told me to start spreading the word now, though (I'm helping him with promotion). I'll try to get a trailer out as soon as they make it.

...and yeah, you have to have great actors to do this. It's sort of like a well planned out play, but it's a movie format. Pretty original.
Looks interesting, but unless the crew shots were staged afterwards it looks like he shot individual scenes in single takes, possibly in sequence, otherwise why would all the production stills have him directing with the camera on? Unless of course thes photos were taken during the blocking process and he's wearing the camera to try out shots (answered my own question).

Was his decision to do this cost related or an artistic decision? It's just I remember a long debate here, last year, about exactly this approach to making a film and I think most of us thought it was just too risky an approach. It would be nice to be proved wrong on this one.
I thought the same thing, Clive. They look pretty staged to me. There's rarely a situation where the director points like that, haha. Plus there's only one picture like that. Who knows. I'll try to see if Freddie can join the boards. That way he can answer all these questions.
See Russian Ark

Does the whole thing take place in that room?

As Jason said, see Russian Ark. It's very impressive, although not necessarily a work of art.