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Peasoup.tv wants your films!

Peasoup.tv is a new webTV site featuring non-fiction films made exclusively by it's viewers. We're looking for a wide range of films: from serious, issue-based documentaries to lifestyle programmes, personal stories, how-to's and local history.

The site will launch later this year with short films streaming on the web as well as on iTunes. All films must be under ten minutes long. If you have a film that may be suitable or even just an idea, let us know. Visit our site for more info: http://www.peasoup.tv/

Featured channels:

Cutting-edge exposés, social issues, news features. Peasoup.tv is an independent organisation dedicated to unbiased and unflinching documentary films.

Personal histories, family stories, happiness, tragedy - the whole mess of human life served up in tasty bite-sized films.

Let us know what's happening in your area. From problems with the council, to restaurant reviews.

Fancy yourself as a gardener? Had a nightmare DIY project? Want to pass on your nan's secret recipes? Peasoup.tv aims to build up a virtual encyclopedia of all things domestic.

Roger Christian
Director, Peasoup.tv
soutpiel said:
Want to pass on your nan's secret recipes? Peasoup.tv aims to build up a virtual encyclopedia of all things domestic.

What about... let's say... "half-fiction" "cooking/narrative/comedy" short films? (that include, as the main section, a recipe for the ultimate grilled cheese sandwich...)

Also, a 25-27 minute documentary about a film festival near Barrie, Ontario (Canada)?
EDIT: Nevermind- saw it has to be under 10mins. The cooking one is 5, but obviously not the documentary.

The doc about the film festival sounds great, but as you say, is too long. Any chance of editing it down? Also - it doesn't HAVE to be 10 mins, even 1 min is acceptable. Or less! If it does the subject matter justice, then ultra-short is fine too.

The cooking/narrative/comedy sounds intriguing too. Although if it's fiction as well, chances are it's not suitable. If you want to tell me more, feel free to post here or email to submit*at*peasoup.tv

Thanks for the interest!
Eddie -

One day Peasoup.tv might expand and screen longer films, but for the moment we need to be conservative with bandwidth. Regarding the non-fiction angle - our idea was to offer something new. There are quite a few short fiction film sites, but to my knowledge not many for non-fiction/documentary. Also, our idea is to offer people a chance to tell particular types of true-life stories that wouldn't be found elsewhere.

Hope this answers your questions