Panasonic PV-GS85

Hi Everyone!

I've been on her a few times to ask questions and provide my opinion on things, and so well here's my latest question:

I'm looking at getting a camera that is cheap and yet has the little things that i want (like 16:9 display). I was looking around and Circuit City has one for $160 a very nice price. Now the price is so low i was just wondering if anybody has used this camera for small stuff.

I'm going to be a frosh in college in about 2 weeks by the way where i will be able to be using much bigger nicer cameras, i just am looking at this one because it's cheap and has got good ratings.


Trevor Roach
It's a fine, small camera. No mic input so it can't really be used for
anything except point and shoot - personal stuff, family gatherings,
your friends playing around. But if what you're looking for is cheap
and a 16:9 display then this is the camera for you.