Panasonic GH2 hack questions...


if there are any Gh2 owners that could help clear a few things up would mucho apreciate. i hacked my GH2 and was wondering what the HBR option is (i know it's highbitrate) but what is the specific differnces between that and the 24 cinema option because with cinema you get 24H and 24L option but not with the HBR.

And I hacked my GH2 with driftwoods 'spammybitchup' 100mbps but when i check the footage it is always around the 40-45mbps mark. not sure why this is. Can anyone clear this up for me. thanks.
Iv not done anything with it yet.
read this:

HBR mode is from the Pan firmware upgrade
you can re-hack after the upgrade, using the new panay firmware as the base firmware you load in the hack tool.

Regarding bitrate, I believe even with the hack it still is a sliding scale, if your scene doesn't NEED 100mbs it wont use it.. maybe your scene is not complex enough? The hack is "approaching" intrAVHCD but its not.. (Intra AVHCD write every pixel for every frame no matter what.. )
Weren't there a few AVC-Intra hacks floating around? Or maybe they were just that in name only.

Haven't played with any of the newer firmware stuff; pretty sure I am still using Aquamotion.v2 or something along those lines.