Overrated Film People... (Directors, Producers & Actors)

Top Ten overrated actors,producers and directors....

1. Jude Law (The dullest UK actor ever).
2. Bruckheimer (Now stuck in a rut of familiarity)
3. Balir Witch Boys One film may have mader $300million plus but that was almost 10 years ago.)
4. Kevin Smith (Two good films (Clerks/Amy), three average ones (Mallrats, Jay & Silent Bob, Dogma),
One) shite (Jersey Girl)).
5. Arnofsky (Hasn't proven himself yet!)
6. Michael Bay (Hold the camera still)
7. Guy Ritchie (Has proved he is crap ever since Snatch!)
8. Clive Owen (Has this guy ever been intersting... in anything?)
9. George Lucas (Oh dear. Go bacjk to not making films)
10. Spielberg (Yawn! )

Phil Hobden
--Modern Life?--
Wow, gotta disagree with some of your choices (although Bruckheimer is definitely in a rut and Smith can't seem to find a new story, but I did like Dogma a lot.) :)

George Lucas and Steven Spielberg re-imagined entire genres for multiple generations of film-goers. I don't know your age, but both "Jaws" and "Star Wars" changed the film industry forever. In some ways not so good, I admit, but forever altered nonetheless.

Clive Owen- "Closer" and "Sin City" were quite good stints for him. "Arthur" was not. :)

I personally don't have too many that I can consider over-rated. If they are making money, they are doing something right. I may not like it, but someone obviously does. :)

Speillberg tends, like Tom Cruise, to do the same film every film. This whole 'lost kid ' thing that Speilberg has is getting dull. And, apprt from teh first hour of War Of The Worlds, he's made some dreadful films over the past few years.

Lucas - we'll broke boundries and then raped my childhood with those dreadful three prequels (and they are... badbly scripted, edited and directed)

Clive Owen was okay in Sin City but everything else (not seen closer) sucked. I'm so glad he didnt get bond!

Phil Hobden
To further Lilith's point, how much more proving does Arnofsky need besides two completely brilliant films? I guess considering he's got three more coming out, maybe you'll be able to see the brilliance too. And I just can't get on a bashing Spielberg bandwagon that seems to be popular these days. The man makes great films time and time again and has since he began. So many classics have the Spielberg name on them and he's made so many movies. You're bound not to like one here or there.
On the subject of Spielberg...

I know he's the American Iconic film maker but come on guys, take the rose tinted specs off

Amistad (first film I have ever fallen asleep in)
The Terminal (Terminally dull)
War Of The Worlds (50% amazing, 50% dull )
AI (God one of the worst, most rambling films I have ever seen)
Lost World (a poor Jurassic Park), Hook (sacarine pap!)...

Like Lucas he seems to have lost his way. Okat Minority Report was great but since his Oscar his films haven't cut the mustard.

As for Arnofsky... yep PI and Requim were both good films. But good is not great. So yep see what his new films are like.

ANOTHER ONE TO ADD : Eli Roth. Cabin Fever sucked. He wante to make an extreme balls out horror and failed. Seriously overrated, as is UK director Neil Marshall.

Phil Hobden
mr-modern-life said:
Top Ten overrated actors,producers and directors....

1. Jude Law (The dullest UK actor ever).
2. Bruckheimer (Now stuck in a rut of familiarity)
3. Balir Witch Boys One film may have mader $300million plus but that was almost 10 years ago.)
4. Kevin Smith (Two good films (Clerks/Amy), three average ones (Mallrats, Jay & Silent Bob, Dogma),
One) shite (Jersey Girl)).
5. Arnofsky (Hasn't proven himself yet!)
6. Michael Bay (Hold the camera still)
7. Guy Ritchie (Has proved he is crap ever since Snatch!)
8. Clive Owen (Has this guy ever been intersting... in anything?)
9. George Lucas (Oh dear. Go bacjk to not making films)
10. Spielberg (Yawn! )

4. You give him too much credit. Chasing Amy is unwatchable. Dogma is an insult to the intelligence of a retarded donkey.
5. Can't agree with you there. 'Pi' is amazing. "Requiem" not as much but c'mon...
7. "Snatch" was crap too. Lock, Stock was semi watchable.
9. Lucas is a Hack. The guy can't write or direct. The only watchable Star Wars was "The Empire Strikes Back" which he didn't even direct. Not even Tom Stoppard could salvage the dialogue in the latest star wars...
10. Spielberg hasn't made a decent movie since "1941"
4. Ha! Yeah I guess Chasing Amy is an aquired taste!
5. Look he has to prove himself thats all!
7. Hey I loved Snatch. Better than Lock, Stock in many ways.
9. Oh yes. In fact he had least to do with Empire than ANY of teh others. Odd that it's teh best isn't it!
10. Ha! Not Sure about that!

Phil Hobden
-- Modern Life? --
'I said 2 Sugars, smuck!"
Not to push the point too much, but Spielberg has directed 48 movies according to IMDB and Produced countless others. So considering you pointed out 5 that he directed that you didn't like, that's still shooting about 90%. The guy is prolific and a genius and I'll never say otherwise. It doesn't take any special specs to see it. And, what you think is "sacarine pap?", someone else might really like. "Hook" happens to be one of my mothers favorite movies.
My point isn't what he's done it's what he's doing. His early films are great but now he's over rated. his films aren't as good, and the themese rather repative!

Phil Hobden
-- Modern Life? --
'I said 2 Sugars, smuck!"
I don't really think in terms of other directors' or actors' work being overated.

Possibly because I know that my opinions about them are largely insignificant. I also know that it's easier to be a critic than an artist. Everyone has opinions regardless of how dumb, ignorant or ill informed they are.

I do know that any indie filmmaker who got a call from either Jude Law and Clive Owen's agents, would be thrilled to take the call. Either of those two names is a green light and almost guaranteed global cinema distribution. I'd be delighted to get either for my new screenplay. In fact, Clive Owen would be perfect for the lead.

I'm not a great fan of Spielburg, but I've spent a lot of money watching his movies and if he wanted to talk to me I would be on the next flight. Hell, I'd even wear a tie.

I find the attack on Guy Ritchie strangest of all. We have very, very few major name directors in the UK and very few breakout international films. I was at the premiere of Lock, Stock at the Edinburgh film festival and I tell you there wan't anyone in the industry who had a bad word to say about Guy. He did what others had been trying to do for years, establish a strong British film brand which could do business internationally. Lots of hopeful British directors got projects greenlighted on the strength of that sucess. For a UK filmmaker, slagging off Guy Ritchie is almost like shooting your off own foot (Foot wasn't my first choice of body parts). He is the open door that the rest of us get to run through. If we are lucky.

There is a disease in the UK called "Tall Poppy Syndrome," it's where people feel a compulsive need to pull down those who are sucessful. It's one of the main reasons I find myself working less and less with UK filmmakers and more and more with international crews. But, at the end of the day, what do I know and after all these are just opinions and like everyone else I'm capable of being dumb, ill informed and ignorant.
For me far from Tall Poppy Syndrome. Guy Ritchie was superb, the he met Madonna made Sweapt Away, followed some false made up, Jewish sect religion (Kabo***ks) then forgot how to make films again producing one of the most contrived and pretentious films ever.

I think Ritchie is a good director. However rather than Tall Poppy Syndrome it's more like jan De Bont syndrome. Makes a good film, gets over hyped, makes a slighly worse film, gets over hyped, then forgets how to make films, and probably will end up going to america to make a TV show and then be reborn again (okay this is more like the Danny Cannon syndrome).

I don't support or diss someone because of who they are, where they come from , what race, religion, colour or creed. I will diss someone however when they make boring, dull films and start believing their own hype.

Like Mr Richie. And if that's an open door, I'd rather go out the window than follow him through!

Phil Hobden
-- Modern Life? --
"You Can be My Wing Man Anytime"
clive said:
I don't really think in terms of other directors' or actors' work being overated.

Possibly because I know that my opinions about them are largely insignificant. I also know that it's easier to be a critic than an artist. Everyone has opinions regardless of how dumb, ignorant or ill informed they are.

Hey you know what they say opinons are like arseholes... everyone has them!

As for Owen or Law. what ever floats your boat. I never said they weren't talented, just overrated.

Me, I'd rather cast Tony Jaa or Donnie Yen!

Phil Hobden
-- Modern Life? --
"You came in that thing... your braver than I thought"
"Me, I'd rather cast Tony Jaa or Donnie Yen!"

Ah, now wish list casting. That's something I really believe in.

Personally I'd love to work with Brian Cox and Tom Noonan, especially if I could also get Jean Reno and Ron Perlman for the same movie.

In fact, I think I'll start working on a script with them in mind, as I really see Jean Reno and Tom Noonan working together as an acting combination that would produce something magical.
Ha! Yeah wish casting....

Michael Ironside
Tony Jaa
Tony Todd
Doug Bradley
Tom Savini
Tim Roth
Ray Winstone...

I could go on. In fact how about a dirty dozen styled film with THAT cast!

Phil Hobden
-- Modern Life? --
"I with you pally!"
Ah, if we're talking Ray Winstone and Tim Roth you have to be thinking Phil Davies and Phil Daniels. Those guys really are gods.
You can ran into Donnie Yen easily in Boston, since his mom lives there and goes there periodically. :)

I think making a 'top list' of worst this and that, or a list of overated-whatever is just that, a personal opinion and pov that perhaps matches with what others would agree, yet in reality, like Clive said, it's really would make any differences to anyone, because it's just an opinion...

As for wish lists... hehe, anyone who are a c-list and up that can bring a name and help secure funding (and they are NICE people) then I would be happy to answer the phone call. ;)

I think for the ammount of attention this thread is getting probably makes this topic overrated!


Phil Hobden
-- Modern life?--
"Say Hello to my little friend!"