Outsourcing DVD reproduction

Can anyone recommended a place I can send or upload my DL DVD, insert design, etc. and have a reproduction house make 50, 100, or more copies? I am thinking with it taking 30 to 40 minutes to burn a dual layer DVD that the wear and tear on my computer may be worth outsourcing it.

My experience with replicators is that they will only do replication on single layer dvds. For a dual layer DVD, I had to go with a manufactured disk from a glass master (DVD-9). With quantities less than 500, that's not a viable option. Up to 50 DVDs you can burn yourself without too much pain, but after that, it's getting into the zone of insanity. Can you do a 2 disk set?
drives dont cost too much...so if it did somehow break it owuldnt cost much to get it replaced...unless say its a macbook pro drive or soemthing which would require some looking in to...

u could always get one of those usb dvd burners.....made specifically to burn things...if it were to die....which i think is unlikely but possible...u wouldnt be out much money and your comp would be unaffected.
I've got multiple burners and a nice printer that prints directly on CDs and DVDs. My rule is that I'll replicate up to 50 copies, beyond 50, I pay someone else to do it, it just takes too much time. If I'm burning 3 DVDs at a time, and they are full DVDs, I can turn out one disk every 12 minutes with a label. That means I'm being interrupted about every 30 minutes for about 10 hours, just burning the DVDs. When I have most of them burned, I start feeding them through the printer one at a time!

That is why 50 is my limit. Even 50 is a pretty big job, but I usually have some manuals or programming books I need to read. If I had to do lots of short runs I'd hire some high school student to keep the burners loaded.
