archived-videos Out of Depth- Short Crime Film

What's wrong if the film is dark? That makes it even better. It's difficult to balance lighting correctly, avoid noise and still see the actor's face vividly. You did great. If anything, the night makes the cinematography better. If anyone degrades the film because it's dark, they don't know shit about film.
I liked the darkness and use of it. The sound was just right for the suspense. But I don't see this as a stand-alone movie. I would have liked to see some more character development.

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First of all, nice work overall. I watched the whole thing, which it's sometimes not the case.

A few things I would like to point out-

You have to think about time as another aspect of your film. When I say time, I literally mean seconds, minutes and such.

*For example, when the hitman takes the picture with his cellphone, it's not in sequence with the walking done by the mark. If he had really taken the picture at that moment, the guy would not have been in front of the van.

If I had been you, I would had taken out the phone the moment the mark opens the driver's door. So by the time he's in front of the van, the camera app is ready.

*The following scene with the text messages (nice work there with the pop ups) and the actual meeting between the hitman and the mark, they don't flow properly. The mark walked by, the hitman sends a text, receives it and it's out of the SUV in less than 2-3 minutes. In the meantime, the mark has already gotten into the room, poured himself a glass of wine and it's apparently bored out of his mind.

In my opinion, for that to happen, you would have needed 10-15 minutes of time in between. So for that, I would had done two things. First with the text messages, I would had added a time stamp and I would have had music playing in the SUV and have two different songs playing between messages. This gives us more time.

Besides that, I thought it was good. You need to work on the flow of the movie and you need to give the hitman a reason for not wanting to do the job he was hired for. At the moment, we don't know why he's not going through with it.