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watch Our Youtube Comedy Channel

Hello, we are Daltonsmash and we work extremely hard to produce funny sketch comedy that people will enjoy watching. We are satisfied with our progress in the past 2 years but are looking to expand our content to more viewers. Our channel is www.youtube.com/daltonsmash. We are seeking views, subscribers, or simply feedback on what we can do better or change to provide the best content we can. Thank you for any feedback you can offer!
I watched 5 of your video: Arguing, Black ops, Annoying, Fruitloops, and White Power. They all seem to have one thing in come. The format of the video. Ie. the video goes this way and keeps going this way and this way some more, then a quick change at the end. This can be funny but the lead up needs to have something to do with the punch line. Let me give you an example. Fade in to a shot of a sidewalk. Walking down the sidewalk are a priest, a rabbi, and a minister. They are having an animated discussion. We continue to fgollow them down the street from different angles and the discussion continues. Finally they enter a building. Tilt up and we see that it's a bar. Now we are in the bar as they walk in. Shot of the bartender looking up, then down, then a double take. He now looks at the three men incredulously and says,"What is this a joke??"
So, whether you think that is funny or not you can understand the effect the director was going for. Where as in some of your videos the ending had nothing to do, that I could tell, with the lead up. You guys seem to have good chemistry together and that counts for a lot, but if you want to make other people laugh you have to do what they think is funny. Not necessarily what you think is funy. I hope all this makes sense, and I did enjoy your videos.