editing optical printing


my name is Ric [newbie] and i'm into 8mm filmmaking: does anyone know where i can find information about how to make an optical printer, please - either online or in books (titles)?

and thanks moderator/s for navigating me to this page :)



ps. why does this forum automatically hyperlink certain words - can this function be disabled, please? :eek:
Hey Ric,

I've never seen the forum autolink anything but urls. Though it does underline misspelled words in red, if that's what you're seeing.

Anyway, the only info I know of about how to make an optical printer is here:

Hope that helps.

Hi Will,

that looks seriously cool - thanks: so is that the method for optical printing, one frame at a time? would it also be possible to synchronise sections of film? Denys Davis* shows exposed and blank film being run past a lightsource together - synchronised by the same cog wheel. the only problem here would be making the customised unit light-proof, to avoid fogging the blank film?

*Ciné Hints, Tips & Gadgets, 1960

aha, i need to 'upgrade' to lose the hyperlinks - like on broadband?



just realised that the plan Will sent is basically an aerial transfer unit - but film-to-film?

so, all i need to do is replace my video cam with a ciné camera, on single frame setting, and film the celluloid passing through my projector's film gate?


how does this sound, please?

