Opinions please! GH2 (hacked), or GH3 for double the cost?

G'Day gents/ladies!

I know there are heaps of threads like this already, but this is more a "your opinion" thread. I'm seriously torn between a GH2 and a GH3 and need some opinions:

$1300 body only. As I live in AUS I will have to buy and import (otherwise it will be around $2000 I believe), so there will be no local warranty as I believe Panasonic do not offer international warranty. (focus peaking maybe available later)

I found one for around $700 2nd hand, with the standard zoom kit lens (14-40 i think), with another 3 years local warranty from a big retailer in AUS. (no focus peaking?)

Currently use a Canon 600D/T3i, not much investment in lenses (nifty 50, tamron 17-50mm 2.8) as I was never sure which system I wanted to settle on so I just went with Canon to learn. I feel now that I'm more knowledgeable and done research, MFT is the way for me! Especially with the BM Pocket Cam coming out, and "hopefully" the Metabones speedbooster adapter.

Also, from what I've read the GH2's sensor is slightly larger than the GH3 and it is slightly better in low light, and the hack improves more on low light capabilities. (important). However, the GH3 MIGHT get peaking in a future firmware update, but from what I understand the GH2 can never have it? (also important)

I don't know if its just me, or because the camera is newish, but I haven't been able to find any really cinematic footage from the GH3. Most of it has been too "digital" and "video like". Again, maybe because it's new? This is probably the best footage I've seen from it:


And I also have not been able to find any footage of the uncompressed HDMI out on the GH3.

I have stumbled across some pretty darn good cinematic footage out of the GH2 though:

Musgo feat film trailer:

The first 5 minutes of Musgo:

And, Upstream Color:

And an uncompressed HDMI out:

Even these random GH2 filmconvert tests look much better then everthing I've seen from a GH3:



So, what would you do?

A hacked local GH2 with 3 years warranty and kit lens for $700-$750.


A GH3, imported with no warranty, body only for $1300-$1400. (hack could be a while, not that it really needs it?)
I'd be surprised if that was shot on either the panasonic or a canon DSLR. This is the website of the cinematographer on that, Nate Fu - it looks like he shoots quite a bit on red:


It also had extensive color correction work done by a professional colorist. That's the thing - if you're going for a 'cinematic' look the camera doesn't matter as much as the person behind it, and the people doing the post.