Title: According To Pesci
Logline: Joe Pesci unwittingly helps a mob underboss avoid the Feds using advice from his films and becomes the target of a rival mafia family, causing movie life and real life to dangerously collide.
Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm trying to pick an idea for my next script (I've posted a few other ideas) and can't decide on one, but this idea makes me laugh... P.S. not loving the title
Logline: Joe Pesci unwittingly helps a mob underboss avoid the Feds using advice from his films and becomes the target of a rival mafia family, causing movie life and real life to dangerously collide.
Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm trying to pick an idea for my next script (I've posted a few other ideas) and can't decide on one, but this idea makes me laugh... P.S. not loving the title