openning of a movie

Is it a short or a feature length?

If it's a short, it's best to get right to the action. Maybe a plate showing the production company name, but I wouldn't do a full logo unless it's super short.
Feature length=full length movie approx 70 minutes or longer

"Plate" is a term I've used for a long time to describe each individual credit screen, e.g.. Written by Joe Blow is one plate while Directed by John Doe is another.

Not sure if anyone else uses it. I think I got it from how they used to do credits on old films, which if I'm not mistaken, was done by printing the credits on an actual glass plate and filming it, hence the name.

Then again, I could have dreamed that whole thing up...
I don't see what the big deal is. Put a logo if you wanna, don't if you don't wanna. If anybody let's the presence or lack of a logo ruin their experience, then those people suck. You've committed to watching a 60-90 minute film, but a brief logo is too much? I think logos are fun, and I want people to recognize mine. It's not an ego thing, it's about branding. Why are only the major studios allowed to brand their product? I say do what you want, F the world!