I like the eclectic design, is this all footage you shot, or stock? Did you do post work? What am I looking at? Music and theme are nice. Have you seen the film "Microcosm"?
I like the eclectic design, is this all footage you shot, or stock? Did you do post work? What am I looking at? Music and theme are nice. Have you seen the film "Microcosm"?
Most of it is stock. I've shot a few things myself; the candle, the tap. The close-up of the eye. I did color grading on almost all of the shots.
The idea of the video was to tell a personal story of transformation. By using stock, the whole thing becomes quite abstract. I haven't built any kind of a following, but I was thinking of sharing this on forums for people that are dealing with issues of anxiety, finding meaning in life, etc. Haven't done that yet though.
And thanks for the recommendation, that film looks super interesting. Will check it out!
You probably couldn't tell from my current project, which is a cartoon filled with spaceships and haunted houses, but I'm actually a big fan of intellectual Avant Garde cinema. Microcosm was incredible, but I'd also recommend the following as sources of inspiration that might be relevant to your work.
It's all over the place, lol. You see clips in tv commercials sometimes, I sell a good bit of stock footage that end up being used here and there. I did think about making something similar to what you posted once, and made a mock trailer for it. Never did actually finish that project though.
I will post a lot of my work in the video section here over time, I just don't want to overload by posting it all at once.