online indie film store (need suggestions)

I am about to start up an online store that sells film and music and art. The goal is to tie in indie films art and music with the mainstream. In Omaha, we have all kinds of arts running all over, but they are not networked together at all. So This store will carry selected mainstream films of all genera's. (Happiness, Broken Flowers, Hatchet etc...) and independent film as well. The same goes for music and art.

My question to all of you is if you know of any DVD distributors that sell mainstream and new releases. We have our used section taken care of when it comes to supply, but we need to find larger distributors then the ones we were using.

Please let me know if you have any leads for me.
It's great that you're doing this. But, I just need to ask, what are you going to offer that Amazon or any of the other large chains don't?
. We have our used section taken care of when it comes to supply, but we need to find larger distributors then the ones we were using.

Please let me know if you have any leads for me.
Which distributors are you using now?

I have several leads but don't want to offer ones you alread have.
directorik: please private message me any leads you know of. I am dealing with mostly closeout distributors and putting money into their pockets. I have dealt with a few small timers here and their, but I have always come back to But I need to find more selection than these closeout guys have to offer. But Wholesalers are kept secret to a degree and hard to find. So if you have any leads that can get new releases, major pictures, indie films or allow custom orders, that would be great.

ussinners: My business partner and myself are huge movie buffs and are quite picky about our tastes. Our online store will only hold movies that we think are worth getting out to the public. No mission impossibles or fast and the furious. Only films that bring your emotion to the edge. We will also have a rating system with breif but enlightening reviews. Both my partner and I will have independent ratings that will average out to our officail rating of the film.

It will not be a competitor to amazon, walmart or best buy. We will however be supported locally with the infusion of indie film, music and art. We hope that in time our selection of the arts can become trusted outside of our city.
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Have you thought about accepting films from Indies everywhere? I know most of the people on here (including myself) have their own films on DVD that they would love to get out to the public. I know when I put out my first short film collection on DVD (I burned them, labled them, packaged them myself) I gave them to stores in the area for free and let them keep the money just to get my work out there. This would be an easy way to stock your store and promote indie film and art very easily. PM me if you want to talk more.
Yes, the whole idea is to mix mainstream and indie with our own ratings so I would like to carry indie films from anyone who can get them to me. I don't think I would hold on to more than a couple copies. If it turns out that they are selling, I will contact you for more. When the site is up and ready, I will put a post on here for everyone to see welcoming indie films.
That's great! I know I've got a box of my first DVD still sitting here, as do most of us on here I'm sure. Thanks for considering us and I look forward to seeing how you do. Let me know if you need help getting Indies coming in. I've got a lot of connections to people who want there work seen as well as some underground horror/experimental distributors always looking for another outlet. PM me and I'll give you some names. Thanks again