archived-videos "One"

I wanted to get some feedback. Its just for myself. Once I heard this music track,
I knew I wanted to create something like this. I wanted to see what everyone thought. This is only a preview.
There is much more to come. Thanks for checking it out.

From birth, childhood and beyond, full of different emotions. We come into this world alone, we leave it alone.
"One" is someone's life flashing before them in a series of brief memories.
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Recently the only music I've been able to listen to while I write is Sigur Ros. I love this song, I'm always inspired by it when it comes on. Always gives me the feeling of life as a spectacle and really helps out in visualizing my stories etc...

Your talent for framing shots is admirable, I'm always a fan of abstract films and what kind of story or emotion you can portray with random (or not so random) images. What camera did you shoot with?

Let me know when its finished, I'd love to see it in its entirety!

Thank you for your kinds words. When I first heard that song, it just clicked. It felt like memories pasting through my mind. I know this needs more work to make everything flow even better. There are many things that haven't been added, this will help pull this together. This was shot using the GL2 (I really want the DVX).

I will post again once its complete.
i liked that video a lot. I agree with loy, its great that you take those images, and make them have meaning and character to your films. I'm a big fan of your website, and posted your link onto my aim username profile for people to visit. I think your work is great. :cool: ...I'm also a big fan of the DVX.
Took me a few minutes to place that.

Was very similar to something else I had seen here recently, and it finally clicked. You had your website up for review here, and the website had similar some similar videos there. :)


This video was pretty good. Not exactly a story, but these type of reflection vids are really good for people who want flicks made out of photos & footage of a recently departed friend/relative.

Very effective.

You clearly have a wonderful eye for capturing beautiful shots. The video thus far is great to watch, but it leaves me wanting more coherency. This is just my personal taste. I think the movie looks amazing as is, and many people will truly appreciate it the way you have edited it together...I would just like to see a bit more of a story evolve from it, even if it is all told through imagery. Perhaps this is something that will come out more when the project is completed. If not, it still looks great and I think you are doing a fine job with it. I am looking forward to seeing a completed project!

Yeah, everybody who knows what the Panny DVX is wants one. But how's the GL2 workin' for ya? Would you recommend it for somebody who doesn't have the dough for a DVX?
loyfilms said:
Yeah, everybody who knows what the Panny DVX is wants one. But how's the GL2 workin' for ya? Would you recommend it for somebody who doesn't have the dough for a DVX?

Totally, I'm selling mine if you wanna talk. I have pictures and whatever else you wanna know.

I'm looking to get 1700 plus 3 tiffen filters, extra canon battery and all org. stuff - let me know