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watch One of the best edits Ive seen...

It's good, though no better/worse than the 2 million similar TV spots I've seen over the past 3 months and will continue to see more of over the next few months...

On a side note: This year's Olympic songs are done by Muse and Mark Ronson, I think it's the first Olympics where they've actualy had half-decent 'official' songs.
sure maybe i should soo some of the clips you are watching.. cause this edit is amazing :) its so detailed lyrics to picture. the song is awesome too btw :)
Good build along with the song in the intensity and intimacy with the athletes. (so glad they showed lots of fencing included in there ;) )

Take a look at the movie "Hot Fuzz" (from the Shaun of the dead folks). One of my favorite films for showing the power of the edit.
On the topic of the Olympics, I also really enjoy this song/clip, especially after watching the journey behind it.


Cracker Funk said:
I believe every great movie shows the power of the edit.
Editing fast cuts to music can be impressive, but even editing in slow-paced features is just as, if not more impressive.

Fast cuts to music is one thing, but creating the timing of a scene is another.
That's not to take away from the editing in this, however.
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