"One Missed Call" and "The Eye"

Hello, All!

On occasion I will give IndieTalk a heads up about a movie that I thought might be interesting. Well, this time, I am giving you the possible opportunity to do a comparison of two films:

"One Missed Call"
This movie is out now or is about to be released, and is about how these kids get a voice mail of their own deaths. The original Japanese version was directed by Takashi Miike who also directed "Audition" and "Ichi The Killer". Normally, I personally don't like horror films because I think they are full of cheap scares. "Audition" successfully creeped me out, a must see if you get the chance. Sundance Channel is showing the original "One Missed Call" tonight at 12:45am (eastern).

"The Eye"
Another remake of an Asian film I think is already in theaters, this one with Jessica Alba, about a woman who sees things after a corneal implant. The original film is directed by the Chinese directors the Pang Brothers. Oxide Pang directed a film called "The Tesseract." Pretty good film, too. I try to catch it whenever it is on. IFC will be airing the original version of "The Eye" tomorrow at 11:45am and 5:35pm (eastern)

A good opportunity to compare the remakes to the originals, so here's your heads up :D

-- spinner :cool:
I would say overall Miike is a better director...when he is on his game. However, considering he makes about 4-5 movies every year, he is off his game as often as he is on. One Missed Call was just okay for me. It lacks the real intensity of Audition and the shock value of Ichi or Visitor Q. The Eye (Pang) might be a slightly better crafted movie, but it has been a while since I've seen it and I admit I don't remember every detail.

As for the American remakes -- I've been largely disappointed by all of the ones I've seen (Ring, Dark Water, Pulse). The originals just play better in my opinion. The best remake from the Asian horror genere I've seen is The Grudge. Not that it was better than the original, but it was better than most of these other remakes. I'm a bit skeptical of these new ones hitting the theater. I'm open to give them a try, though ... here's hoping they're decent!
I kind of liked "The Ring" remake, but you cannot find the original on Sundance or IFC. I would like to see it.

I saw "Audition" and thought it was great. As for Pang, try The Tesseract, I liked that as well.

-- spinner :cool:
I'm not a big fan of modern horror movies; in my opinion they are just made to generate money from dating teens.

Real horror is Hitchcock, and I think Shyamalan is the only one who comes close to real modern horror.

Spinner, where is the sundance channel? I just can't seem to find it, and I know I have it.
Has anyone seen "The Host"?? Brilliant Korean Monster Movie... who wants to bet it'll be remade in some form or fashion by Hollywood? LOL
The only thing the remake of Pulse had going for it was the Brad Douriff cameo.

I've heard nothing but bad things about the remake of One Missed Call.

And the remake of The Eye?

The fact that Jessica Alba's in it makes me very, very sad inside.

The original is one of my favorite Asian horror flicks.
I'm not a big fan of modern horror movies; in my opinion they are just made to generate money from dating teens.

Real horror is Hitchcock, and I think Shyamalan is the only one who comes close to real modern horror.

Spinner, where is the sundance channel? I just can't seem to find it, and I know I have it.

Sorry, I was out of town this afternoon...

I think that Sundance channel will be different in CA than it is in MI...

-- spinner :cool: