
Anybody know anything about the movie "Once" ?

How did this movie make it under the "no-stars" radar to get all this attention at Sundance?

-- spinner :cool:
The writer/director did well with his film "On The Edge" and the TV series "Bachelors Walk" and the movie did well in festivals (with several awards) before it got into Sundance.
I'll agree with Beeblebrox. It's just darn good little movie. I'm not a big fan of musicals, which is kind of what this movie is, but it won me over. Great performances from non-actors and the script is simple, but elegant. My only complaint is there are a couple of scenes where the handheld work was way too shakey for me.

I have heard good things about it, but have yet to see it. It was only in my town for a day.

The shaky camera thing works sometimes.....I dunno, maybe its being used too much lately...?

-- spinner :cool: