omg Heath Ledger died

drug overdose, sleeping pills. It is said he was haunted by his character the joker, and he was exhausted from insomnia, his sleeping pills werent doing enough so he took alot.. he was found in full cardiac arrest by his house keep and pronounced dead at 3:28 pm.... wow, I have been looking forward to this guy so much in the n ext batman film... im so upset. even thought we will still get to see the dark knight, it wont be the same...
Yup. heard about this today as well... through facebook, ew... quite sad, as he was almost attaining a "Depp-style" career... made good choices as far as roles, and was a pretty good actor...

Wondering two things:

1. How will this (if at all) affect Dark Knight? I'm assuming it's in the can, so perhaps it will be Ledger's last big hit... which sucks, cause he looks like he did a kick-ass job...
2. He was supposed to be in Gilliam's new flick: The Imanginarium of Doctor Parnassus... in a leading role... poor Gilliam.. like he needs anymore problems after La Mancha! Will he have time to quickly recast?

Anyway, RIP Ledger... cut down before he even peaked... sad stuff.
The only way it will affect the dark knight, is increase its sales by a ridiculous amount, considering it is his last film ever, non-fans of the batman series will just go to see him... Ledger finished filming long ago, so the project is finished.
watch this film of him talking about his new role as the joker, look how jumpy he is, they say its drug withdrawals...
... quite sad, as he was almost attaining a "Depp-style" career... made good choices as far as roles, and was a pretty good actor...

It would have been cool to see how he progressed as an actor, especially if he was being patterned after Depp. There would have been some really cool stuff from a good actor... its really sad.

-- spinner :cool:
I feel bad more for his kid than anything else.

Agreed. I have to admit that I am a bit perturbed that a lot of the coverage I've seen seems to gloss over the overdose and possible suicide and only talk about his career. I haven't seen a whole lot of mention that he was father to a two year old child.

Shekhar Kapur who worked with Ledger on The Four Feathers wrote an interesting blog post about talking to him the night before the overdose.
It's a shame but this could be yet another talented guy cutting his own career short... and if it is then history will brand him a moron no matter how talented he is.

Do these people not get it? Do they not see what can happen?
So I'm watching HATCHET which is the best scary movie of the 2007 (we can't always watch JUNO) and I see hear heath ledger died. It was kind of surreal because these death scenes are happening at the same time and they are making me sick. I keep seeing heath dying in one of these scenes. I don't mean to be morbid, but I was happy when I found out it was an overdose. Because I kept seeing Victor Crowley killing Heath Ledger in my sleep.