Olive branch award logos

Im curious to know what the guidelines are for using that (what i think is an olive branch) logo you often see on trailers and promotional material for films. The ones with the symetrical branches on each side of the text and often say things like "Official Selection - Sundance Film Festival". I'm sure you know the ones I mean. Are those logos public domain and are free to be modified to accomadate any festival awards won?

My graduate animated film was nominated for several awards and I'm curious to know if I can freely use those logos to advertise the different animation festivals I had nominations from.

You can make your own or find a free version, you just can't copy one from a festival, they are all somewhat different.
Great - thanks. Now I know their called Laurels, its made my search easier. Please excuse my ignorance - you live, you learn I guess.

Many thanks.