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Old Shorts or scenes

Looking for scripts to put on film? You can always take Shakespeare for that.

You can probably find quite some material of short films made by early filmmakers in 1910-20, but not sure if they are still copyrighted.
Corey, maybe you could go to a video store near you and buy one of their 3 - 5 dollar movies. Get something you don't know about and pick a chase, or some other kind of scene you want to score. You could also score to one of the previews.

Maybe, someone from here will send you a short.
Not sure how to capture a scene from a whole movie. I would love it if someone could send me a short to play with. Do you know of anywhere online that you can download just scenes?

Thanks Scoopic.
Not sure how to capture a scene from a whole movie. I would love it if someone could send me a short to play with. Do you know of anywhere online that you can download just scenes?

Whether you are watching on a computer or from a VHS or DVD, you can usually pause at the scene you want to score. I usually picked a starting shot and as soon as the shot cuts to the shot prior to the scene starting, I'll press RECORD on my sequencer. So when a cut is made, I press RECORD (or playback) right on the edit.

I bring this up, because you don't have to watch the scene, every time you layer a new track. Often, I will use a drum or percussive track to lay down a hit or cymbal where a particular action is happening. I might not even keep those drum sounds, but they tell me what is going on and when. Once I have them properly timed (in the right place), I can start making music, without having to keep watching the scene.

You can go to Movie Trailer sites, like APPLE.COM or Youtube. Scoring to a trailer will run the full gamut of emotion and timing, in about 2 minutes.