archived-videos OK.. My first short movie. Please input

OK, Im not much of an actor. I just learned a new technique on my 3D software that allowed me to simulate Blue Screening.

but its an actual short movie and not just a test of me doing just that.

its only like 90 seconds though.

Im gonna work on a real short story and try and get better at this.

watch it in fulls screen.. its letterboxed.
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That was pretty interesting.

Not sure I'd try to take that on with a pocket-knife, though 8)

"Who sent you?"... most intriguing. Sounds like he is familiar with that orb in some way. Want to to know more, pkease :)
Thanks Zen.

Now I have to continue the saga LOL.

Some guy on another board nicknamed me the next "Alfred Fishcock"

I think I'll go with that :D
im trying to simulate 16:9 with my older hand held Panasonic Palmsite (Payed like 700 bucks for it 4 years ago but it has IR filter so its pretty cool)

anyways I know it has a "Stretch Emulator" in it to make it feel 16:9 and I guess im going the long way about it but I found this way to look pretty cool.

Im adding effects to the video in Vegas Video.. I was messing around with a combination of things and I found that if you mix and tweek the 3 effects..

Brightness and Contrass
Light Rays

and chose "Amber red spotlight" in the Light Rays section and tweek the Radios X and Y and feather it you get a nice sepia effect or an amber color. I guess most people may not want that but I thought it looked cool

Me trying to be Dramatic :D



test vid

Yeah, Im working on my weight problem.

BTW.. Scott or any other of you professional Camera guys, I have a Question.. until I get a Real high end camera in the next year, What is the best I can do to crop (4:3) to make it look 16:9 without the black bars. The internet sites I visited says to simulate 16:9 you change the crop settings to 720x380 and then change the render settings to do the same. I get a nice looking Panaramic view but now there are black bars on the sides as well.

I found that about 740x405 is much closer looking. But would it fit a wide Wide HDTV. I know it will be a bit blury or pixlely but im just curious if there is an official resolution to do this. a trick of some kind. The effect plugins im using seem to really make the scene look more high resolution then without.
King Goldfish - interesting first piece of work. What did you use for compositing?

Regarding the 16:9 question: 720x360 is a perfect 16:9 ratio. 740x405 would indeed display on a HDTV but it would probably end up cropping the sides so it could be displayed correctly.

Also, if you're ever in need of a colorist I'd be happy to help out :). I don't know what sort of options Vegas has but using just the brightness and contrast filter will give you only marginal results without much control over the outcome.
Shaw said:
King Goldfish - interesting first piece of work. What did you use for compositing?

Regarding the 16:9 question: 720x360 is a perfect 16:9 ratio. 740x405 would indeed display on a HDTV but it would probably end up cropping the sides so it could be displayed correctly.

Also, if you're ever in need of a colorist I'd be happy to help out :). I don't know what sort of options Vegas has but using just the brightness and contrast filter will give you only marginal results without much control over the outcome.

Cool.. thanks. But wouldnt that be 18:9 ratio since 2 x 360 is 720?

Sorry Guys!!
Something came up.. I had to delete all files for security reasons. some idiot got my password and changed it. I had to call my account provider.
A few odd things in this one...

The reporter on the tv looks like he is moving at three times normal playback. His audio is not quite garbled, but definitely sounds weird/phased. (On a side note, the dialogue the reporter has reminded me of the original radio broadcast of War of the Worlds, in a few ways)

The framing in the second half (where the bomb goes off) had a lot of unused space to the right. With nothing over that side (not even eye-candy) it looked a bit off-center.

Very nice nuking effect though, overall. This still in Max?

My big question is... in the first one (orb), you mention you are "simulating" a bluecreen. How are you doing that? Motion-tracking masks? Voodoo magicks? How did you get that orb between you and the wall beyond, without a bluescreen?

Cool.. thanks. But wouldnt that be 18:9 ratio since 2 x 360 is 720?<<

Ah shoot! That would be my haste screwing me over again ;). Yes quite right. :P
Zensteve said:
A few odd things in this one...

The reporter on the tv looks like he is moving at three times normal playback. His audio is not quite garbled, but definitely sounds weird/phased. (On a side note, the dialogue the reporter has reminded me of the original radio broadcast of War of the Worlds, in a few ways)

The framing in the second half (where the bomb goes off) had a lot of unused space to the right. With nothing over that side (not even eye-candy) it looked a bit off-center.

Very nice nuking effect though, overall. This still in Max?

My big question is... in the first one (orb), you mention you are "simulating" a bluecreen. How are you doing that? Motion-tracking masks? Voodoo magicks? How did you get that orb between you and the wall beyond, without a bluescreen?


I will make a illustration and show you how I did it. Its about drawing an outline of me using a line tool in max. each point of the curve is the vertice. those points have to be moved one by one in animation mode along the edges of my body. then in the viewport I jut moved the orb between me and the back screen.

it took about 45 minutes to do a 10 second scene. but the rendering took about 80 minutes. even with a gig of DDR and a 3ghz p4, its slow as hell with some effects.

It would have been easier to go get neon green pain and paste cardboard up to my wall and paint it green and just key it in but I dont have any room in my house to do that. I was thinking about my garage but I got to much junk in there.
K, I know what you mean now.

Can do frame-by-frame masking in AfterFX as well. I hate that pen-tool. The paths (especially the curves) never go the right direction, for me.