I have a finished script that has been sitting around since early November. I had the intent to shoot the film then but factors fell out of place or just left. I haven't really looked at or thought much on the script since early December.
I know that in the meantime, until a production date is set back up or I sell it, I should read it over again and possibly edit it, but I've lost interest in it.
Inspiration comes easy for me and I can usually force it upon myself to reignite ambition for a project, but I kind of want to be done with it and have for some time.
It is my first solid feature length script and would be my first feature length film to direct, which leads me to this question.
I know this is one of those questions I am able to and should answer on my own, but I am requesting input and personal experience with the matter.
If I pawn this script off to someone else or sell it and just move on, knowing it was my first main script, will I regret not being part of the whole movie process?
I know that in the meantime, until a production date is set back up or I sell it, I should read it over again and possibly edit it, but I've lost interest in it.
Inspiration comes easy for me and I can usually force it upon myself to reignite ambition for a project, but I kind of want to be done with it and have for some time.
It is my first solid feature length script and would be my first feature length film to direct, which leads me to this question.
I know this is one of those questions I am able to and should answer on my own, but I am requesting input and personal experience with the matter.
If I pawn this script off to someone else or sell it and just move on, knowing it was my first main script, will I regret not being part of the whole movie process?