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Official Selection - Las Vegas Lift-Off

This is very fresh and I'm still a little shocked (haven't announced it on my own socials yet), but "Shoot in Any Direction and You'll Hit a Bastard" just landed a much higher profile festival with international reach... and in my neck of the woods.

Additionally, I've been asked by the festivals founder to do a Q&A on my short film and spaghetti westerns in general. I will need to be cocktailing.

Festival: http://www.lift-off-festivals.com/vegas-lift-off-film-festival-2016/vegas-lift-off-monday-6th-june/

Press Release: http://guantomovie.com/Las_Vegas_Filmmakers_PressRelease.pdf

Follow: http://facebook.com/guantomovie | http://twitter.com/guantomovie | http://youtube.com/guantomovie

Thanks (as always) guys.