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watch Official Music Video, Critique Welcome

My friend Jason is a musician and I'm getting into filmmaking, so in December 2010 we spontaneously decided to shoot a music video.

We borrowed a friend's Canon.
Drove to the location with only 4 hours of usable sunlight.
No lighting equipment or any other equipment besides the camera.
In total we spent $297 due to a speeding ticket.

I realize there's no story in the video and I've learned a lot more about filmmaking since I shot this, but it was the first thing I ever directed and I'm looking for feedback before I start my next project.

Is it boring? How's the editing? Color? Cinematography?


Is it boring? How's the editing? Color? Cinematography?

Boring? Yes. Very boring. :sleep:

The editing's fine.

Colour... is really friggin' boring. :no:

Cine & composition is okay. :)

It's a pretty cool location you have there. There's just nothing happening.

I'm sure it's not just me, when I say that I'd probably connect with the song/video/actor a lot more if there was a visual of who he's actually pining for, whether it be done through flashbacks of happier times, or discarded polaroids, or... anything... to visually show us the object of his regrets.

I know this was 2010, and you had 4 hours at the beach. Your production didn't have to end when the camera stopped rolling right there.

So you're shooting a feature next? What's that about?
Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, I suppose we should have set aside another day of filming, but we didn't have another location that we thought would fit the video, or an actress available to play his love interest.

If I were to do it over again, there's so much I would change, but it's a learning process and I'm happy to move on to other projects.

So you're shooting a feature next? What's that about?

It's a low budget indie that I wrote about a girl who loses the love of her life and has to deal with depression. Getting into Sundance or any other major festival is the short term goal here... That is, if I can finish the project at all. It's a lot to take on, but I'm excited and passionate about it.
It's a lot to take on, but I'm excited and passionate about it.

Cool! Don't ever let that fire go out. :cool:

There's a really helpful community here, at a variety of skill levels, if you need to bounce ideas around or figure out ways to get that movie made. :)