Obi Wan Kenobi thought Star Wars sucked


I guess a lot of Star Wars geeks already know this. Alec Guiness couldn't stand the dialogue in Episode IV and was reluctant to act in Empire. A great article here, with a lot of excerpts from his diary.

The most interesting part of the Star Wars story is the way Lucas dealt with his weakness as a scriptwriter. Some of his first drafts were pretty bad.

''Big part. Fairytale rubbish, but could be interesting''

“New rubbish dialogue reaches me every other day on wadges of pink paper — and none of it makes my character clear or even bearable.

“Apart from the money, I regret having embarked on the film. I like them all well enough, but it’s not an acting job, the dialogue — which is lamentable — keeps being changed and only slightly improved, and I find myself old and out of touch with the young.”
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love this quote

I must off to studio and work with a dwarf (very sweet — and he has to wash in a bidet) and your fellow countrymen Mark Hamill and Tennyson (that can’t be right) Ford. Ellison (? — no!) — well, a rangy, languid young man who is probably intelligent and amusing. But oh, God, God, they make me feel 90 — and treat me as if I was 106 — Oh, Harrison Ford, ever heard of him?