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watch NUN OF THAT --the official trailer!

Prepare to receive the good news, jive turkey!
Never fear, the trailer for the much anticipated comedy/action flick NUN OF THAT has just hit the interwebs.
Crank up your speakers, have a coke and a smile, and enjoy the show!

Make sure you click 'watch in HD' located at the bottom right of video.


The premiere will be Good Friday, 2009, at the Columbus Theater in Providence, Rhode Island.
Advanced tickets are on sale now at Scorpio's website: www. scorpiofilmreleasing. net

We hope to see you there.

It's going to be a blast for you, and a blasphemy!
Comments are more than welcome. Hate it? Tell us. Offended? Please express. Love it? Cool, why?

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Wow. A completely unique, ballsy, high quality (real) indie film...and not one person commented. Bias or not people, I think this film is special. You just don't see films like this. Not to mention the quality, number of locations and actors, and production value we were able to pull out of this shoe-string budget.

Any comments at all? :)

Many of you are indie film makers...not one of you liked or hated the trailer enough to post? :)

Thank you so much.

There's no grindhouse filter on it, and we don't plan to go there. It's much more Italian '70's cinema inspired. It appears grindhouse, because that's what grindhouse is going for...at least partially anyhow. :)

The director is a Fulci and Bava freak.
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