
hello, i am an acting student. just started and don't know a lot about it(I'm reading up as fast as i can) i have to shoot a 3 minute film as a class exam. My idea is that of a woman who has been abused by her husband to the breaking point, she takes her life. I have one major scene in the kitchen where she serves the husband food slightly late and he drags her hair and promises more reprisal in bed where he brutalizes her....i also have tiny shots of their first meeting, the bed torture itself but i don't know how to merge them together. i will appreciate all the help. camera will be handled by a classmate of mine. thanks.
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Too much in just three minutes. K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple, Stupid (I use a much more derogatory "S" word when applied to myself). A short short is like a joke - a quick set up and the punch line.

Check out the FilMinute One Minute Film Festival to see what I mean.

Look at "Chop Chop" and "Candy Crime". Lots of other goodies as well.