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Not How You Imagine It

Have you ever pieced together a scene, where it's just not as good as you imagined it would be? The acting is incredible, it looks great, but you just expected more.
Have you ever pieced together a scene, where it's just not as good as you imagined it would be? The acting is incredible, it looks great, but you just expected more.

Every time. ;)

On the flip side, sometimes there are scenes in which I was expecting nothing and wound up being surprised it worked.
Every time. ;)

On the flip side, sometimes there are scenes in which I was expecting nothing and wound up being surprised it worked.

The second lead actress probably won't be around when we start shooting again. She had a nice monologue she was dying to do. So, I got a very good actress to stand in as the lead and we shot the monologue this past week.

I'm piecing it together and it's actually really good. It's the only scene I've been thrilled with (and it's just for her reel) It was shot with a Canon T5 (I think that's what it's called). It looks great, and both actresses are excellent.
The second lead actress probably won't be around when we start shooting again. She had a nice monologue she was dying to do. So, I got a very good actress to stand in as the lead and we shot the monologue this past week.

I'm piecing it together and it's actually really good. It's the only scene I've been thrilled with (and it's just for her reel) It was shot with a Canon T5 (I think that's what it's called). It looks great, and both actresses are excellent.

Probably a D5MII -

You're in a great situation with two excellent actors in the same part. It never fails when you are seeing the shots for the first time in post to have a let-down, at least with me. A little time goes by and you've shot other things and you go back and look again and those same shots improve by 60%. Can't explain it.
I'll cop to having a perverse interest in dissecting "failures", especially those which "seem" to have all the elements required, yet somehow... fail.

My current fave is "WHY does BABYLON AD suck sooooo bad?"
- It has a very well known lead in a classic/typical role for him.
- The film has a $70M budget.
- Sci-Fi, especially near-future dystopin world, is ragingly popular.
- Gots plenty of action.
- Wonderful scope and changes of scenery adventure.
- Guns & fighting
- Dialog is no worse than usual, par.
- Plot and story are par
- Cinematography is fine.
- blah, blah, blah

And still... meh.

Completely, understand your point.
Looked good in your mind.
Reads good on paper.
Scene looks fine in camera.
Blocking is fine.
Acting is spot on.
Lines (likely) delivered with constructive corrections.
Editing 1-2-3 fine.

And still... meh.


What's missing in the secret sauce?
It's enough of a roll of the dice for me just writing out my ideas. I can't even imagine going for broke with doing everything that goes into putting a scene or even an entire film together, only to slowly realize that it's still missing something.
Wouldn't it have to be the script?

It might read great. The points it make might be valid. But, in the end, it's just not as interesting or dramatic as you thought.

Where's Robert Riskin when you need him?
Script. Schmipt.
Scripts are suggestions not commandments. (Not that people can adhere to those any better than suggestions. Ha!)

Can't blame the script.
It's all your fault! ("Huh? Wha... ?") :yes::no::hmm:

I'd settle for Rumpelstiltskin. :D