Noob here.

what mikely said is what i meant. When i said profit and advertising i refered to financial profit, sorry if i made confusion.
lux said:
sorry if i made confusion.

its cool, i really like the fact that you put expression before profit, or at least aim to. i guess in film there are 3 things, aims, means and ends. it is yay impossible to have total control over the last 2. the only place where we can truly make our own individual mark is the first. if we honestly aim to simply express ourselves to the viewer, to entertain - then in my opinion, we are half way to great cinema. we just can't control the other half.poor bret ratner..........
I wasn't familiar with Brett Ratner so I had to look him up and I found this.

Well now we know what happend to the man with red cheeks :devil: