NO WAY... Another Composer Available!

As I'm sure you're aware there are a lot of composers on this forum. If you're reading this you're either a film-maker looking for music for his/her film or another composer checking out the competition. If you're the second then please stop reading now! :D

A lot of composers on this forum are i'm sure very good and have spread themselves across every forum they can possibly find trying to find filmmakers to sign them for their film, the majority of them, i hope, have a huge love for music and that's great but when it comes to making films you want someone who has a great passion for films ALONG with a passion for music. I don't want to come across as something I am not but I share a love for both. My personal favorite soundtrack is 2001: A Space Odyssey if anyone is interested!

I would love to work alongside ANY filmmaker that would put the time and effort in to deliver a great final film. I can work along any size of project from shorts to trailers to non- diegetic sound for feature films. I pride myself in my good communication skills to insure that the final production is to the filmmakers standards.

My website is here there is a section for examples of my previous work. (Update very soon)

I am very aware that a lot of the films created through here are made with a next to none budget so I don't ask for money but I would love some credit in the credits and if the film goes onto festivals, I would love a mentions. However if you mail me asking for a huge score that would take a considerable amount of time I would ask for a small payment to cover the work hours that it might take!

I really hope that if you're still reading you're interested in working with me!

To contact; email me @
