Every day I search for casting notices here in Florida. I have been searching all over the internet for one thing, yet I can never find it. It's not just a problem for me, its a huge problem for all teens, usualy those aged 13-17. Everyone knows theres that loop hole gap in the industry about how if your in that age range, you need to find a great agent in LA to dig around and find a diamond in a mine( an audition for a teen). Or, you need to wait til your 18 and dont have to deal with student waivers and work permits. I understand a production studio wants older ages that have younger faces to play roles that fit that role, however, this causes a huge problem for actors of my age and it causes us to make a stop in our acting career and put it on hiatus until we hit 18. My biggest niche is that of all people in this industry, the most accomodating and understanding, the indie peeps, would branch out and seek younger ages. After all, this is an industry of risk and taking big chances. So, I'm still inquiring as to why the indie market doesn't play to younger ages. Is it the underage procees with permits and waviers similar to the studios, or is it hard to deal with teens, being slighty immature and stubborn(me! )?
Thanks for the help ya'll....
Always looking for that open door to stick me foot in...
Thanks for the help ya'll....
Always looking for that open door to stick me foot in...