Night Without Stars

POV: The City Dark

I live on the edge of what is only a small city. Even so, when I look up at the night sky outside of my apartment, I typically only seem to see a few to a handful of stars. Maybe a dozen. Perhaps there are more than I realize.

Last year I visited a less densely populated area and tourist destination on the other end of the state. When I looked up at the night sky outside of the condo, I was...well, thunderstruck by what I saw: what looked like must be about a gazillion stars! I could even see the Milky Way! And very clearly so, it seemed to me. It was full and thick and luminous and beautiful. While I suppose such ought to be thought of as trivial and mundane, instead might have been, was close to being, a religious or a spiritual experience for me, if I were a religious or a spiritual person. I had forgotten. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I had seen a night sky like that. Since then, I miss it. It feels like an absence in my life. Ah well. It's a tradeoff.

But I really appreciate that someone has made a good film about just that very thing.
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I just want to be in a bubble floating out there in Space.

And yes, i can sympathize with you. Ive always lived in big cities most of my life and whenever ive traveled to a remote location and looked up... Awe...
In high school, my friends and I used to take weekend camping trips to the beach. Small tropical island, south Pacific, smack-dab in the middle of the ocean, no city lights. Didn't need tents or sleeping bags. Just a pillow, and a wondrous night sky to ponder the nature of our existence under. :D
I'm in awe when I gaze up at the stars and moon, and imagine the burden of trying to land a machine and man there, even with the internet I don't think I could figure it out.
So did you, like me and others, wonder what all that light in North Dakota was about?

It's from the fracking.

Also, does anyone have an explanation for all those lights in the South China Sea off of Vietnam and also in the Gulf of Thailand?